Build & Launch

EP22: Get some guts

Episode Summary

Justin is trying to build and launch a product every 7 days. This is the mid-week check-up as he tries to re-launch Product People Club. He had to do some hard stuff and actually call his customers, and hear what they thought of his product.

Episode Notes

I'm trying to build and launch a product every 7 days. This is the mid-week check-up: I had to do some hard stuff and actually call my customers, and hear what they thought of my product.

This week's project: Product People Club

Product People Club is a membership site for solopreneurs: people making their own stuff, by themselves.

Here’s the story: 2 years ago, I was fed up. I wanted to launch and validate something really quickly. So I put up a landing page (you can see it by going to for a chat room for entrepreneurs. I capped it at 10 members, and decided I’d charge $10 a month.

When I posted about it in Hacker News, it sold out in 30 minutes. The next thing I knew I had a waiting list of 200-300 people wanting to get in.

By the 5th month, I was making about $1,100 a month with the community.

Even better, early members started launching things and becoming successful:

But I always felt like wasn’t a “big enough” idea. But, I was talking with Adam Clark about this today. And I realized, that a big reason I haven't promoted it more, is that I'm scared.

So, I decided to call one of my customers, Josh Doody, and ask him why he joined. He gave me a complete timeline of when he joined, and what his initial impression was.

My job this week is to talk to as many customers as I can, and figure out what job they're hiring Product People Club to do.

Show notes

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