Build & Launch

EP19: Eating my own dog food

Episode Summary

Justin is on the road! This episode recorded on location in [Edmonton, Alberta][1]. In this episode: with only 4 days to work, Justin launch the first product of Season 2? See what it's like to eat your own dog food.

Episode Notes

Justin is recording on the road from Edmonton, Alberta.

In this episode: with only 4 days to work, Justin launch the first product of Season 2? See what it's like to eat your own dog food.

This week's project

Back in Season 1, Carl and Justin created a WordPress plugin that allowed you to create your own online course, and sell it using Gumroad.

For this week's project, Justin decided to eat his own dogfood, and use the plugin to host his own online course. He had 4 days to re-build the course in WordPress, and launch it.

Announcement: next week's project

Show notes

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